Episode 13 - We Talk About Our Firsts

Episode 13 - We Talk About Our Firsts SMALL.jpg

This week we are talking first times and we definitely don't mean sex (because we are classy and that's private!). Raven and Jesse pull pieces of paper out of a hat and then talk about their first time on a plane, their first tattoo, the first time they ever got drunk for the 'My First Times' tag. It's a thing on Youtube, ever heard of it?! 

We also talk about some fun Hot Cakes from Apple's latest news to BORDERLANDS 3 (HYPE, HYPE, HYPE) announcement at PAXEast.

Co-Op the Podcast is a weekly podcast where our hosts, Raven and Jesse, discuss topics ranging from video and tabletop gaming to football and comic books. Join them every week to hear about what they’re playing, reading, and watching! Be sure to subscribe and review our podcast on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, and wherever else podcasts are consumed.