Posts tagged Avengers
Episode 17 - We Have Tiny Bladders

The Co-Op Couple is back with a new episode, and this time they're talking about tattoos. Jesse and Raven are answering all the burning questions you might have about tattoos, from pain tolerance and finding an artist to what tattoos they have. 

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Episode 16 - We Got Nothin'

This week's episode is a little different. We've decided to not have a theme! After a hard week that consistently beat us down, we felt like just talking about the latest news that we didn't get to enjoy in the moment! Join the Co-Op Couple as they discuss the newest additions to the Star Wars Universe, the Avengers Endgame spoilers, #FreeBritney, and so much more!

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Episode 13 - We Talk About Our Firsts

This week we are talking first times and we definitely don't mean sex (because we are classy and that's private!). Raven and Jesse pull pieces of paper out of a hat and then talk about their first time on a plane, their first tattoo, the first time they ever got drunk for the 'My First Times' tag. It's a thing on Youtube, ever heard of it?! 

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