Posts tagged Gaming
Episode 32 - We Definitely Need Glasses

We are back after a rough week to talk about one of our favorite topics, Dungeons and Dragons! The Co-Op Couple delve into their experience dungeon mastering, one of the toughest and most rewarding jobs that no one wants to commit to. No? Just us? Oh well!

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Episode 16 - We Got Nothin'

This week's episode is a little different. We've decided to not have a theme! After a hard week that consistently beat us down, we felt like just talking about the latest news that we didn't get to enjoy in the moment! Join the Co-Op Couple as they discuss the newest additions to the Star Wars Universe, the Avengers Endgame spoilers, #FreeBritney, and so much more!

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Episode 4 - We Aren't Professional Chefs

Raven (@raven_coop) and Jesse (@jesseco_op) discuss one of their favorite pastimes - cooking! Our hosts discuss the steps they've taken to come better bakers and cooks in their home, and recommend some food themed shows to inspire you.

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