Posts tagged Borderlands 3
Episode 32 - We Definitely Need Glasses

We are back after a rough week to talk about one of our favorite topics, Dungeons and Dragons! The Co-Op Couple delve into their experience dungeon mastering, one of the toughest and most rewarding jobs that no one wants to commit to. No? Just us? Oh well!

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Episode 31 - We're Here for Amateurs Only

The boys are back in town, and it's another episode full of Fantasy Football goodies. We give you the scoop on how we did (poorly), who we drafted (a travesty), and how we expect to do this season (probably last).

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Episode 14 - We Now Have Two Girls

We have some extra X chromosomes in our episode this week! Our talented, beautiful, poetic, and noble land-mermaid of a best friend, Ginnye Cubel (@glcubel), joins us to talk about the final season of Game of Thrones. Who's going to sit on the Iron Throne? Who is going to inevitably die like the 100s of other GOT characters before them? Join us for this ridiculously entertaining not-so-PG13 conversation!

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Episode 13 - We Talk About Our Firsts

This week we are talking first times and we definitely don't mean sex (because we are classy and that's private!). Raven and Jesse pull pieces of paper out of a hat and then talk about their first time on a plane, their first tattoo, the first time they ever got drunk for the 'My First Times' tag. It's a thing on Youtube, ever heard of it?! 

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