Posts tagged HBO
Episode 20 - We're the Couple That Games Together

The couple that games together stays together, and the Co-Op Couple discuss just that in this episode of Co-Op the Podcast. Jesse and Raven talk about their favorite ways to game with each other. Whether it's a co-op split screen or a single player RPG, this episode is all about what games we play together and how we do it.

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Episode 19 - We're So Sunburned

Our hosts have returned from their vacation, and maaaaan are they behind on Hot Cakes! Get ready for news up the butt! Rick and Morty return, Robert Pattinson obviously has a bat fetish, and Sony and Microsoft play nice. Join us as we discuss it all and so much more.

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Episode 17 - We Have Tiny Bladders

The Co-Op Couple is back with a new episode, and this time they're talking about tattoos. Jesse and Raven are answering all the burning questions you might have about tattoos, from pain tolerance and finding an artist to what tattoos they have. 

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Episode 14 - We Now Have Two Girls

We have some extra X chromosomes in our episode this week! Our talented, beautiful, poetic, and noble land-mermaid of a best friend, Ginnye Cubel (@glcubel), joins us to talk about the final season of Game of Thrones. Who's going to sit on the Iron Throne? Who is going to inevitably die like the 100s of other GOT characters before them? Join us for this ridiculously entertaining not-so-PG13 conversation!

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Episode 5 - We Yell at Jesse for Being a Patriots Fan

America's favorite couple is having a threesome? That's right! The Co-Op Couple has a guest this week, their BFF Richard! Join them as they discuss FOOTBALL *insert electric guitars!*

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